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It intends to pull that customer towards itself as when then need arises. This is actually a nobler way of marketing as it doesn’t hunts down the customers and forces them to buy the products or services. A company that intends to use pull marketing has to invest a lot of money creating awareness. Most of the times the companies that are associated with pull marketing are the ones selling lifestyle products. Push marketing was a strategy which is gradually getting sidelined as pull-marketing takes over. Push marketing is more invasive and made people uncomfortable. The invasive style of push marketing is the thing that makes it unfavorable for the customers. The recent trends in the world of marketing also had its impact on mobile marketing as well. Pull marketing has taken the lead over push marketing because the people are today very much aware of the products and services offered in the market. Thanks to the large investment and patience of the companies. Unlike other marketing tools, mobile marketing seems to be far more advanced and up close and personal to the customer. You always keep your phone with you wherever you go and do check it whenever you get a message, right? Yes, because we always aren’t sure as to who is sending the message across so we tend to check what it is. Like in the above example, if you were passing a store and you get a message declaring a discount offer that they have only for that particular day, it is quite possible that you would like to get that deal. If you intend to get that deal then you wouldn’t fret about receiving that message but if it was the other way round then you would be literally annoyed. This is how the world of mobile marketing functions.

Although social networking is still relatively new when compared to the Internet in general, businesses within this medium operates by the same rules businesses have always operated by, only with a few significant features that you should be aware of. Using mobile marketing to tap into the social structure of online marketing, will enable you to exponentially grow any type of business. Here are some tips to help you get started. Keep Mobile in mind when designing for the web. No matter what you’re designing via the web, whether it’s a business site, a fan page, an email message, or even an ad, you have to keep mobile devices in mind. The greatly reduced real estate means that mobile devices view the content differently to the way that regular computers do, so you have to make sure that you’re catering directly to your mobile market by offering them something that still looks and operates great on their smaller devices.

It will also set some target of the new customers as well. Small and medium scale businesses thrive on local mobile marketing primarily. There are a number of local marketing services that will claim make your product popular. But you have to consider a few things before you take recourse to a local mobile marketing service. • Who are your target customers? Before deciding your marketing strategy, you must identify your target customers. • Identify their mobile using habits. • It is important to know when they are using their mobiles and to what extent, whether they delete the messages or take a look again when free. Local mobile phone marketing service is not only about messages. There are interactive voice calls, picture messages and so on. Whatever it may be, the main aim is to extend the reach of a company. Marketing strategies can not be predefined and static. It has to evolve itself according to the requirements. Local mobile marketing strategies too can change itself from time to time according to the need of the business.

Mobile Phones are personal and most direct media channels in marketplace. As the number of mobile phone users in each country including developed, semi-developed and back-word countries also, Mobile Market is experiencing triple digit growth each year. In most countries peoples do have more than one mobile or cell phones with them. Peoples are addicted to the mobile phones as they do read or check their inbox for new SMS at every 15 minutes while some peoples do play mobile games very often and some do surf internet. At mobile marketing at least 80-90% target will see your SMS AD. There many different ways and tactics of mobile marketing which are being used by marketers nowadays to promote their various products and brands. SMS Marketing is most commonly used medium for marketing while some do use Voice Marketing, Marketing via Mobile Games, Mobile Music and Videos, Social Media and Mobile Application.

Marketing using mobile phones can be done in a number of ways as mobile phones offer a number of methods of communication. Yes, mobile phones offer you SMS and MMS facilities along with the call and talk option. So, marketing companies can use either of the three. SMS marketing via the short message service is relatively new but has received widespread response in most parts of Asia. This is found to be completely better than the email advertising option where most of your emails are filtered making them land in the spam folder which is hardly noticed by people. Also the mobile marketing association has channeled a number of guidelines which makes it a far better option of marketing. Other forms of SMS marketing are popular as well. Multimedia message service has also had its share in mobile marketing. Though this option is not so very popular in most parts of Asia, it is extremely famous in other countries mostly in the Europe and America. The only requirement for mobile phones to receive multimedia messages is having a color screen which is now present in almost all mobile phones in most parts of the world. SMS marketing is also practiced using the call and talk option. It might appear to be a strange and new idea but in reality it is not so. Most of us have received calls from banks to make use of their credit card option which is one good example for mobile marketing. These banks market themselves to their customers and other prospective clients. With the value of communication reaching new peaks it is not surprising to see mobile marketing getting more value and attention everywhere. Mobile phones are just another area which has found great application.

Nowadays, majority of people tend to be dependent on their mobile devices and personal computers. Ask people randomly on the street and they will tell you that they cannot see themselves living without their mobile devices and Blackberries. Thus, it is not really surprising that many businesses, both big and small are now assimilating mobile marketing as part of their advertising campaigns. Before, only retailers recognize the significance of mobile devices in sending promotional materials and interacting with loyal customers and potential clients. But at present, even politicians, online businesses, and non-profit organizations are starting to realize the importance of mobile technology in the field of marketing. There are actually a lot of mobile marketing tools that are available. Some of the popular tools include SMS Alerts, SMS Contests, SMS Voting, and various premium SMS projects. However, one instrument that is catching the eye of many advertisers is the SMS Gateway.