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In most cases, writing a post for your blog is quite different from other writing you normally do on the Internet. A blog is more of a diary/fast information or news kind of site that people go to for up-to-date information on the topic, or to get some advice or opinion from an expert. Here are some proven tips for writing great blog posts that will keep your visitors coming back time and time again for more. 1: Keep It Short. People can get very easily distracted, so a short blog post can have a lot more effect than a long one. If you have a lot to say about a topic, then it is better to break it down into two or three posts instead of keeping it as one that is too lengthy. If you find that you need to write a long post, and can’t break it up into pieces, remember to make it very readable by adding bullet points, images or a numbered sequence. You can also make it more readable by bolding words and adding a lot of subtitles.

Now think about this: some people have problems and yours may be one of the few companies that can provide them with a solution. Can they find you? If I use my own client base as the gauge for how well industrial companies are doing at “getting found” on the Internet, I would have to say “not very well.” The number one issue is that their websites simply aren’t visible enough. Whether a business is industrial or not, if it doesn’t come up on the first page of search results and win the “click,” it’s probably not getting found. Of course there’s “pay per click” advertising, but many people when surveyed say they don’t even look at the sponsored ads when they search. I’m not saying “pay per click” is a waste of money; but if you want to get the most number of click throughs, you need to be listed on the first page of “natural” search results. I realize that the successful online business model doesn’t always translate well to industrial . I think every business that has obtained a strong online presence (and visibility) has mastered two strategies: blogging and social media.

You can have this service free from FeedBurner. Just like my blog, The Millionaire Secrets. It has got a subscription box on the side bar. Therefore readers can always subcribe to your blog posts. Why you need this? Of course, one of the reason is to have more returning visits from your loyal readers. When they received the email, they may visit your blog. Another reason is that this will make your blog looks more professional, and you can attract loyal readers this way. Since this service is free from FeedBurner, why don’t you try it? 20. Link Back To Your Older Posts Whenever PossibleI’ve talked about this in my previous post, 10 Common Blogging Mistakes. You know what, if you have a good post, then you definitely want a lot of links which are pointing toward it. You don’t want your readers to miss out a good post in your blog right. So this is what you need to do. When you mention about something that has connection with your older topic, be sure to link to it. Well, I don’t want to talk more about this, you can always read about this point here, 10 Common Blogging Mistakes. So can you see, I’m also linking back to my older post.

Unless you plan on buying traffic for the rest of your life you should set a goal of getting as much repeat website traffic as possible. Blogging is a great way to do this. 4. It is simple to add products to sell on your blog. This is why blogging can be a great Internet home based business opportunity. Anytime you want to add a new product to sell. 5. Blogging is an excellent way to keep people informed about your business when you add an RSS feed. Your RSS feed can be a more effective way to keep people up to date about your business than even e-mail marketing. You do not have to battle spam filters when people subscribe to your RSS feed. 6. Join affiliate programs to find products to sell within the theme of your blog. These are all easy to do and they are free. Clickbank offers great e-books that you can sell and make commissions on. Commission Junction is full of businesses that have products that will pay you to sell for them. This is what I would consider six good reasons that blogging can be an excellent Internet home based business opportunity for you. If you plan on starting an internet home business soon, it is important that you learn all you can about blogging, and how it can help the overall productivity of your business. Be sure to do your research and choose the right blogging platform and products to sell.