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What makes a successful blog? If you don’t teach, you won’t reach. What really sets textpattern apart from the others is the integration of Textile. In fact, it’s so easy to get frustrated when you first start a blog. On a blogs I maintain running WP and MT I often find myself clearing out spam every day, whereas on some very busy textpattern sites I receive only manual comment spam (not bot driven). Turns out building up readership for a blog takes a LOT of time, effort, and patience

Use your favorite word processor, and write a blog post every day for a week. The more content you have, the more visitors you’ll get from search engines, and the more visitors you have the more readers you’ll get. But more recently, it’s become a platform for all kinds of social, commercial and personal stories and information

The blog building process involves developing a flow of traffic from an assortment of sources online. Knowing this will help you better use your own time insofar as how you prioritize it for generating blog traffic at these various sources. Here are 3 ‘truths’ that need to be recognized and/or addressed in order to build or sustain the type of blog traffic you need to make your site a success. There are certain blogging tips that every site owner should subscribe to no matter what stage they are at in the blog building process

This can be your own name or anything else you like. Content hubs are websites that collect a certain type of content and use that to attract an audience. However, if your blog is cluttered up with too many adverts, chances are you will not attract as many readers. Making comments on the blog’s of other people is a great way to increase exposure to your own. Add a photo if you like