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It’s all about reaching the people who are most likely to care about your business. Think about it. How many times have you received an email from a company whose services you had no interest in? Maybe it was an email about car repairs, and you don’t even have a car. Trimming down your email list to a fewer number may make you think twice, but it actually guarantees better results. They’re called “opt out” for a reason. Give your subscribers the choice to refuse being sent future emails, and don’t give them a hard time about it! Sometimes email marketers do it to retain subscribers, but that just means you’re more likely to be identified as an annoying brand. It’s not personal-it’s marketing. While there are people who don’t want to hear from you, there are people who still do. Either way, respect people enough to give them the option to unsubscribe.

Basically, The reason why email marketing for online retail is different from regular email marketing is because of the fact that there are many aspects related to an ecommerce model that are not present in other kinds of businesses. For instance, giving constant updates to consumers about the status of their orders ,i.e., transactional messaging, is a key ingredient of effective email marketing. This is certainly not important for any other domain where upfront transactions do not exist. Also, there are a considerable amount of nuances in the entire process, one of them being finding the kind of design would showcase the products in the best manner, since on a very basic level, email marketing for online retail is all about generating sales. So, the communication needs to be primarily focused towards highlighting products, special offers, etc., so as to generate sales for the business. Hence, only companies specializing in this domain should be trusted with the responsibility of designing and executing email campaigns.

As kids we instinctively know the truth about ice cream! We know that if we want one we have to ask, and ask, and ask and keep asking until we get one. Or we get grounded for driving our parents nuts. But we do it because we know it works. And every time our parents give in and we get an ice cream they reinforce that truth. As an adult we still know the truth but it’s no longer the polite thing to do. Especially if we want to be liked. And being liked as an adult is a powerful driving force. As much as wanting an ice cream is for a kid. But not wanting to be pushy, and not taking no for an answer can be a problem when it comes to selling yourself or your business. Surveys tell us it takes 5, 8 or even 10 requests for the sale or visits to our website before people will buy from us.

A successful email campaign can go a long way. To make your email campaign successful you must be able to persuade your audience through the emails. Start with a brainstorming session. Write out many samples and see what works best in terms of being able to convey, most cogently, what you are trying to say. It is very important to keep in mind the target audience. Try to think what will work out best in convincing those you have in mind. Getting down to the actual email, remember that the first thing the recipient of your email will look at is the subject. The body is less important. With a suitably captivating subject the reader will be persuaded to go through the rest of the email. Therefore a lot of the success of your email campaign will depend upon your ability to create a suitable and attractive subject for your mail. However, you must not ignore the body of the mail. The information you provide there will ultimately make or break the fate of the product you are trying to sell. Personalise whenever possible. Address the person by name, if you have access to his or her name. Personal touches will go a long way in establishing a good rapport with your potential customers. Do not make the body of the mail too cumbersome with details and highlight the important areas.

So let’s take that list of 10000 subscribers and assume only 5% of them end up clicking through on an email link and making a purchase. Well, that’s 500 people, and even at just $5 profit per person most people could leave their full time jobs on that income. The first thing I would suggest you do as a newbie to email marketing is sign up for an autoresponder that integrates into WordPress. I personally use Aweber, but there are other services that also come highly recommended; iContact and Mailchimp to name a couple. If you are on a tight budget I recommend going with Mailchimp since services like this are free. Another service I use is MLSP (my lead system pro), which offers a generic autoresponder email series for beginners before they have built their campaign. The next thing for creating an internet email marketing strategy is actually developing a series of emails for your new list members.