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There’s no reason to just throw information out. Quality is better than quantity in this case. The better the value of the content, the more likely it is to actually engage with your connections. Mediocre content allows your connections to eventually assume that what you post is not worth their time. Don’t let that happen or you’ve blown a good opportunity. You should spend a few minutes each day joining conversations, liking and commenting on other people updates. The value here is multifold and worthy of an entire blog post but the short of it is: viral exposure to other networks, visual exposure to the one you are commenting on relational exposure by showing interest as a human being. Again, this post is focused on local (sales professional based) business marketing. This type of business is mostly handled on a face to face, handshake basis. To bring the conversation to the next level, hold an event and invite your fans or friends to attend. The event should now start to move the conversation toward business. The event should be a big value gift to your target market. This is not a new strategy in marketing. With that said, event based marketing is still one of the single most powerful marketing strategies around and too many sales professionals or business owners take a pass on it’s power. Converting even 5-10 new Facebook friends to a seminar, webinar, round table or worthy charity event is like an engagement ring in a hopeful relationship. It’s not a closed deal but you can almost put a date on the sale. The reality of our times is that marketing with Facebook is no longer an optional endeavor. These goals will help you to be focused and productive in your efforts.

Facebook has grown to become more than just a social networking platform to keep in touch with your friends and family. In fact, if you are using Facebook for just that, you are missing out on some very powerful marketing opportunities. If you run a business, any shape or size, then Facebook is the place to be! Facebook pages are an incredibly powerful marketing tool that lets you showcase your products and services and build your brand image among your audience. However, in order to leverage the full potential of Facebook as a marketing platform, you need to have in place a sound marketing strategy! Even though one of the basic rules of marketing requires you to be persistent with your marketing message, Facebook is not the place to employ it. Fan Pages are a great way to share stuff with your ‘fans’ but if you go overboard with your postings, they will only end up ‘hiding’ you from their feeds.

If you think that using Facebook Marketing is a waste of time, you need to think again. With so many people on Facebook, 500 million members, the potential of well rehearsed Facebook Marketing Strategies is unlimited. If you go to Facebook statistics you are going to see why using the following Facebook Marketing Strategies is going to help you and your business grow. If you could catch a small percent of 500 million, don’t you think that you would be able to grow your business? I think, yes! And with 500 million people I am absolutely sure that there is someone, more like thousands of people who are looking exactly for what you are offering, you just need to know how to help them reach you. First of all you need an account on Facebook. You may think that I am kidding here, I know this is obvious but if you are like many people out there you are going to create an account with a pseudo name.

One of the best things about Facebook advertising is that their official advertising platform allows you focus on exactly who you are looking for by age, location, gender, interests, and so much more! The basics of Facebook marketing are very simple, and I’ve been following advice from an expert on Facebook marketing online to bring you the basics of how taking advantage of Facebook. With 13 being the minimum age requirement for Facebook, almost all age groups use it. There is no official publicly available data by Facebook about their most active age groups, but dozens of researchers showed that the age group of 18-29 is the group you’ll stumble upon the most. Accordingly, people 65 and older barely show interest in using it frequently. What are the best forms of advertising? Unlike profiles, Facebook pages are your gateway to advertising. They are very similar to profiles, but their purpose is for businesses, organizations, and public figures. Facebook users Like a page, and from that point, they begin following a Page and all its public updates.