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The next step is to invite your personal network to join your group. The groups are one of the most powerful venues that can help you to promote your business. The effective way to do so is to join groups that are relevant to your business. Join those groups and become active in them. If you join and post a message only once, no one will look at you. Instead, participate in the back and forth on the discussion board and post regularly on the walls. One of the most effective ways to get attention is sharing your articles on the discussion board and responding to other people’s questions. In many ways this is like a forum. Once you start participating in these discussion boards, people will respect you and learn to trust you. Facebook recently launched “Pages,” which is similar to groups. Facebook. You can add html code, flash files and even Facebook applications to Pages that can help you customize the page better, which you cannot do on groups. People who join your Page are called “Fans” – they become “fans” of your business.

Through your Facebook apps, you can affiliate yourself on other applications or user profiles. For instance, there is a variety of applications on Facebook that enable users to play games, check their IQ or pretend to be a virtual fighter. Such applications are a valuable medium for businesses to advertise their products and cater to the vast Facebook user base. Whenever a user logs in to use any of these applications, the right side of the page gets loaded with advertisements. Compensation may be rewarded on pay per click, impression, lead, sale or a combination of these. The more affiliates a customer brings in for an application, greater will be the revenues s/he can generate. Merchants and affiliates are levering Facebook apps to interact with users. In 2007, Amazon ran the Amazon Associates Program to encourage Amazon ECS developers to try developing Facebook apps. They could earn money corresponding to the number of users who get to Amazon through applications developed by them.

Also, one of your status updates will remain on your profile until you clear it, and that will also be seen by everyone coming to your profile and everyone who’s chatting with you! Don’t constantly advertise products or services in your updates, because people will stop reading them. If you give away quality material, you’ll get more readers, and more people to your profile. 5-Groups- Creating your own group is the key to Facebook Marketing. There are so many features available with your own group, that I would consider you insane to not have your own! First off, inviting people to join your group usually is non-threatening, which allows you to gather a larger group than you would get with your website capture page. Groups are a great place to start sharing your knowledge, and promote yourself as the leader. You can send out e-mails to your group as a whole, invite them to events, and have your main group page set-up as a sales page to make some affiliate commissions.

Over the past few years, Facebook marketing has become a vital part of many a small business’ plan of success. Since Fan Pages are free to make and all someone has to do in order to use Facebook is to register, their use has grown by leaps and bounds, and even famous brand names have gotten into the game, getting consumers to “like” their Fan Pages and then rewarding them with special deals, free samples, and coupons. However, finding fans on Facebook doesn’t happen overnight, and it certainly doesn’t happen without any effort. Any individual or group who plans on using Facebook marketing in order to advertise their product or service needs to have a plan because it is only with careful planning that beginner’s errors are avoided, which saves time and money later on down the road. Step one: carefully plan out your Facebook Fan page design. Fan Page marketing can be very effective, but only if you’re able to catch the consumer’s eye long enough to make him or her stay on your page to see what your product or service is all about.