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You should not make application of Facebook radical. Group pages and fan pages have different functions and capabilities (which Facebook may change), but both can be used for showing your work projects. Ultimately you should focus on getting as many of your Facebook friends onto your list so you can start building proper relationships. That way, when you create a group page and/or a fan page, you’ll have a large friends base to notify. You can also go ahead with creation of Facebook intensify Page through FBML to attract more people for using facebook for marketing

The more relevant the content, the more likely your prospects will turn into clients. In which Facebook is the ideal social media to launch a campaign despite all different social media websites. But, remember, to communicate with customers, the Facebook business page is the right target marketplace and its where do clients talk to you

New people can be invited to ‘Like’ the page created and once it reaches to 25 fans, a vanity URL can be set up. You can use this great tool to build friendships with people in the network marketing industry. Make the most out of the developments that we have in the industry. This business is based on relationships. Facebook is one click away on your laptop, computer, and even on your mobile phone, check on it and see the difference for yourself

Join 10-15 groups and actively participate. Add friends to your profile, remembering to remark that you are looking for friends and also showcase your products. Start your own group