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Often I give out my best Facebook marketing tips to help you build your fan page, drive traffic to your website and generate leads for your business. Today I’d like to go over some of the worst Facebook marketing tips I’ve seen people recommending to others and tell you why I recommend you DO NOT include them in your marketing strategy. This is MY opinion, so feel free to tell me if you agree or disagree by leaving a comment! 3 Don’t allow your Facebook fans to post on your wall. Facebook is a social network. The reason it works so well is because of the interactions of others and the VIRAL potential. When you have a fan page that ONLY has your posts on it, you are saying to your fans “What I have to say is more important than what YOU have to say”. When you are trying to build a loyal fan base of people that are sharing your content and helping spread the word about your page, you are shooting yourself in the foot by not allowing fans to share on your page (or hiding their content on another wall tab).

Facebook ads allow you to create ads according to your requirements. First choose an objective (awareness, consideration, or conversion). Then you select your target audience (by age, gender, location or language). Next you decide where to run your ad (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, audience Network or all). Now you set your budget and then pick a post format (single image, single video, slideshow). Lastly, you submit your ad and then you can track its performance and make edits. When we say everywhere, we mean everywhere. Many construction companies already have social media icons on their website, mostly on their homepage or header. Similarly, in your email footer or email signature, you can easily add social media buttons. You can also promote your page to your existing followers on Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram, by sharing the link. Offline promotion also works great so you can share your page name on print marketing material like business cards, brochures, signs, and flyers. Marketing your business on social media is one of the best ways to raise brand awareness and gain leads. Even if you don’t use other platforms, you should use Facebook to capitalize on the advantages it provides. The 6 Facebook marketing tips above can be used by both small construction businesses and large construction businesses, to significantly help with social media marketing on Facebook.

There’s no reason to just throw information out. Quality is better than quantity in this case. The better the value of the content, the more likely it is to actually engage with your connections. Mediocre content allows your connections to eventually assume that what you post is not worth their time. Don’t let that happen or you’ve blown a good opportunity. You should spend a few minutes each day joining conversations, liking and commenting on other people updates. The value here is multifold and worthy of an entire blog post but the short of it is: viral exposure to other networks, visual exposure to the one you are commenting on relational exposure by showing interest as a human being. Again, this post is focused on local (sales professional based) business marketing. This type of business is mostly handled on a face to face, handshake basis. To bring the conversation to the next level, hold an event and invite your fans or friends to attend. The event should now start to move the conversation toward business. The event should be a big value gift to your target market. This is not a new strategy in marketing. With that said, event based marketing is still one of the single most powerful marketing strategies around and too many sales professionals or business owners take a pass on it’s power. Converting even 5-10 new Facebook friends to a seminar, webinar, round table or worthy charity event is like an engagement ring in a hopeful relationship. It’s not a closed deal but you can almost put a date on the sale. The reality of our times is that marketing with Facebook is no longer an optional endeavor. These goals will help you to be focused and productive in your efforts.

Similar to Facebook, Twitter is also a social networking website but then it is a completely different concept and scheme. Twitter is a site owned by Twitter INC and is a micro blogging site that mainly lets Twitter Marketing that is update your status and answer the question What are you doing today in not more than 160 characters. People follow each other on Twitter to keep up a correspondence and many a film personality or TV idol and such celebrities are part of Twitter and habitually update their statuses. These folks have their own group of followers in many thousands and numerous lakhs. A lot of companies today ask you to pay them for help in getting you more and more twitter followers. Now if a person has 1 lakh followers and invites them to go to a site to buy a merchandise, and out of those 1 lakh even just 10000 visited that site and purchased the merchandise then wouldnt it be described brilliant marketing?

Another great idea is to ask followers to submit their favorite holiday photos to include in a Facebook album. This is certainly the time of year when people appreciate a good contest. Contests are an excellent way for businesses to boost engagement and broaden their reach. It is also helpful in collecting more email addresses for your list to use all year. There are several third-party apps that make it easy to set up a Facebook contest. Be sure to offer something that is both desirable and related to your business. It might be awesome to give away a new iPad, but you are more likely to end up with short-term followers than people interested in you for the long-term. Another thing that people love during the holidays is to save money. Use Facebook coupons as a way to get more people excited to shop with you. Coupons are a great way to increase customer loyalty.

Photo Strip at the top of your Page. The photos at the top of your page are the five photos that are the most recently uploaded. You can delete them by clicking the X in the right hand corner of each page. The “Photo Strip” at the top acts like a photo viewer and the photos pop up so the viewer does not lose their place when looking at photos. Have some custom graphics made for the top 5 photos on your page. They can be 970 x 680 pixels. We recommend that you leave white space around the edges of the photos. FB will shrink them to a 97 x 68 thumbnail. Use images with a call-to-action such as “click here”, “find out more”, “get details”, or “free download”. When visitors click on that image, the image will pop up. In the description of that image, put details and a call-to-action with a link or your phone number so visitors can easily contact you.