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While organisations take their marketing efforts to social networking phenomena Facebook, here are some practices you can adopt to make your campaign a success. Marketing to Facebook users requires communicating to them, which works better than simply advertising your messages. In order to communicate with them, you should first understand these users. In the U.S alone, Facebook has 60 million users. ComScore reports that the average number of unique visitors to Facebook in a month circles around 150 million, of which half of these users return to the site daily. Faccebook projects that 75% of worldwide users will be outside of college. Based on findings from Nielsen and NetRatings, it has been observed from Facebook’s U.S users that just over half are female, almost 60% have some college education, 14% are non-white, 34% are working professionals holding executive, sales, education or technical posts, 12% are full time students and 12% have children under 16. Not surprisingly, Facebook internal data shows that users have aged over the past year, with a high percentage of older users now.

And the best part about Groups is you can create as many as you like for free. While Groups do offer a reasonably robust feature set with no setup, you’re not able to extend their functionality with Facebook applications. In order to use those, you will need to get a Facebook Page. Pages were launched by Facebook in November 2007 as a way for businesses of many types to easily establish a brand presence on Facebook. Pages are more customizable than groups. You can add HTML, Flash, or even Facebook applications to your pages to extend their functionality. Pages are a good option for small or local businesses that want to establish a presence on Facebook. Like groups, they’re another free and easy way to do viral marketing. You can also join network marketing group, send out several comments, write notes, add friends, add events, join events, wall post on Groups, wall post on Friends Walls, post videos in Groups, cross pollinate with other Group Owners, add many photos, make sure all your privacy settings are OFF. Never forget that Facebook is a society so don’t try to be a seller, try to solve others problems. Community is about communication, and that might be the best advertising you could hope for.

Today, the net is one of the most well-liked places for businesses to advertise in. Every website you visit, you will see that there can be advertising everywhere. This is called web marketing. If you’ve got a business of your own and you wish to effectively market your product or services, you may see that the net can be one huge bulletin board that you’ll advertise in. Here, you’ll be able to virtually advertise anything and it is open for 24 hours a day and 7 days per week. With tons of variant individuals visiting the net daily from the globe, you’ll be able to be certain that advertising here will definitely increase your sales. One great website that you may want to concentrate your on-line advertising campaign on is Facebook. These days, this social networking web site is currently thought-about to be one in every of the biggest social networking websites existing.

Do not worry because fan pages in Facebook could be put up simply. Use strategic keywords as headliners or titles of such pages to attract more attention. You could promote your fan pages in Facebook using outside sites. Write interesting articles, post them anywhere online, and create links back to your fan page. This way, your traffic could be bolstered, which in turn could be translated to bigger Facebook profits. Lastly, put social ads in the network to promote your affiliate programs. If you use Facebook to make money this way, you could inevitably spend a few dollars. However, the results could be overwhelming because ads are posted strategically where they could certainly reach specific targets. Your ads would not be posted at general Facebook pages. You could customize your ad posting to only include users in specific age, location, gender, status, or interest. This way, you could generate Facebook profits without annoying anyone.

Imagine being able to find a place where “hundreds of millions” of people hang out. As a marketer you want to be where the people are and the better you present yourself the bigger your results will be. Many people are jumping on the Social Media band wagon. Trying everything and anything to build their businesses. Unfortunately 99% of these people are only interested in one thing. MONEY!!! Now you maybe thinking what’s the matter with that? I’m interested in money as well! Don’t get me wrong, I am in business to make money but I am also in business to build relationships and impact lives. What I am seeing with most people is they are entering the social networking arena like a street fighter going into his first real professional fight. He seems to face up OK but when the pressure gets applied, he stumbles and his arms start flailing all over the place. You know what happens, he gets knocked out in the first round never to be seen again. Disillusioned and beaten he goes home never to fight again.

What you should keep in mind when marketing on other sites online is to never try to sell to anyone in the initial stage because they will just go elsewhere. Gain their loyalty first and then after you have them hooked, you can tell them a little about your product or services. The final Facebook marketing idea that you need is to start adding friends that are interested in your business. Keep in mind that these people should not be family and friends. This is where you want to focus on targeted people who are in the same niche as you. Here you can start by joining groups and getting your name out there by participating in actual networking in your niche and providing valuable information that your potential customers can use. At the end of the day your goal is to provide great information and attract people to you. And your ultimate goal is your financial freedom.