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In the past year freelance blogging has taken off. Many businesses are becoming aware of the value of being visible online, and one of the easiest ways to get visible for minimal cost is via a blog. Therefore, many businesses want blogs, but don’t have the staff to maintain them. Enter you, the freelance blogger. Let’s look at how you can get more (and better) blog jobs. Start by building your blogging reputation. This means having at least one blog, which is updated regularly. Many writers try to avoid expending any effort, but this is a huge mistake. If you’re not well known as a blogger, you have no leverage when it comes to charging for your services. You’ll be paid minimal rates, and chances are that you will burn out quickly. On the other hand if you spend time in blogging for yourself, by creating a personal blog and at least one other blog, you will become known, and within a few short months, you will have more blogging job offers than you can handle.

Blogging is very popular and if you want to get anywhere online you need a blog. It may seem simple enough to just choose a blogging platform and get started, but if you plan on taking your blogging seriously, you need to choose a blogging platform carefully. There are many platforms from which to choose. It can seem a bit confusing at first to know which ones are good and which ones are not so great. Here is a review of the top five blogging platforms with information about each that should help you to decide which one may be the best choice to suit your needs. Blogspot, usually referred to as Blogger, is Google’s blogging platform. As you would expect from Google, this is a very user friendly platform. It is also extremely popular, many claim it is the most popular blogging platform available. Blogger was one of the first blogging platforms, so this helps a lot in making it easy to use. It is also free. HubPages is more like a social networking site than strictly just a blogging platform.

Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts with others and spread information to readers. The fun part about it, is that you can blog about anything you want! The topic choice is all up to you. Of course that doesn’t mean just because you blog about “Cool New Socks” that everyone will want to read about it, but still it is your choice. Whether you are blogging just because you want to share information or you are doing it to create a profit and deliver good content to your readers, the basics still apply to both. I wanted to create a list of basic tips for bloggers who are just starting, or even haven’t started at all but are interested. So let’s get on with the basic bloggin tips for beginners. 1. First of course you need to find a service to start blogging with. The two most popular services are Blogger and WordPress.

A few earn online blogging tips will help to build an online business for any niche. The potential of Internet for earning money has got unleashed with the presence of numerous blogs. One may go on counting the number of blog owners who have made it big in the Internet world. But, how does one individual make money and others can not? To learn the tricks of the trade, few practical earn online blogging tips are presented here. These blogs represent most walks of life such as commerce, politics, personal opinion and fashion etc. These have become the order of the day in the online world. People find information and tips about the topics of their interest in the numerous blogs available on the Internet. This urge for searching has been cashed by countless blog owners to earn fat pay cheques. However, every niche is not necessarily as profitable as others. The reason for the same lays in the search preferences of the Internet users.

Do you have a blog that is going nowhere? Do you find yourself spending less and less time blogging because you are discouraged with the results you have had so far? Maybe you want to start a blog and see if you too can blog for money. This article will give you a few tips to get you going again or get you started. But you have to do something too. You have to actually put these things into practice. You have to act on these things before it will do you any good. Focus and complete on these 7 tips before you wander off doing some other project. 1: Turn off the T.V. Now, think about your skills, talents, interests. What do you have a passion about? Have you always wanted to do something but for one reason or another, never go to it? Where do you spend the most of your time – or – where would you like to spend most of your time?