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Facebook is such an inexpensive business marketing strategy. If you have a business and you dont have an account on it, then youre denying yourself targeted traffic. Opening an account does not cost a cent. It can do wonders for your business. Are you aware that facebook is an inexpensive business marketing strategy? When it was first created, it was intended solely for Ivy League students from each college. However, over the years it has offered many interactive tools that suit businesses all around the world. No matter how many friends you have out there, it gives you the opportunity to keep in touch with all of them. Let’s face the truth that it is one of the most popular websites. Currently there are over 62 million members and still new members are joining it daily. This is just one of the many reasons internet marketers love promoting their businesses on it. It doesn’t matter what type of people you need for your business, there are all walks of life on it.

Lastly, make sure that opt in box or capture page is tied to an autoresponder. An autoresponder “automatically” “responds” and sends emails on autopilot to whoever opted into that box. That follow up can and should include ongoing information Of Value to the prospect. It of course should also contain the rest of the information that they opted in for in the first place. Facebook is a viable form of advertising. Other great things about Facebook are the fact that you can build relationships with people and even a friendship. It is common knowledge that friends who recommend a product or service are listened to 5 x as much as that salesman who is there to pitch a product. Find those people you have a common interest with, befriend them, join their groups, and participate in their conversations. Give them a way to opt in to hear more from you and use autoresponders to follow up with programmed messages as well as broadcasts.

Facebook has numerous advantages associated with it- helps to grow your business, lower marketing expenses and adds up to your business success. When you connect with a Facebook marketing company, they help you make the most out of your campaign to achieve your business goals. MagicByte Solutions outlines effective Facebook strategies and implement it on your business competently. Social media is a platform that can bring tremendous popularity, exposure and traffic to your business. It helps in creating loyal customers, generate leads and upsurge sales. Facebook is considered as the king among various social media networks. It is the fastest growing social media platform, which shows no signs of slowing down and is extremely beneficial for your business. According to Facebook, around 80 million businesses have an online presence on social media networks. With over 2 billion active users every month, it is not hard to imagine why businesses of all the sizes are using this platform to engage with their customers. The most important aspect of Facebook marketing is the consistency of communication.

Photo Strip at the top of your Page. The photos at the top of your page are the five photos that are the most recently uploaded. You can delete them by clicking the X in the right hand corner of each page. The “Photo Strip” at the top acts like a photo viewer and the photos pop up so the viewer does not lose their place when looking at photos. Have some custom graphics made for the top 5 photos on your page. They can be 970 x 680 pixels. We recommend that you leave white space around the edges of the photos. FB will shrink them to a 97 x 68 thumbnail. Use images with a call-to-action such as “click here”, “find out more”, “get details”, or “free download”. When visitors click on that image, the image will pop up. In the description of that image, put details and a call-to-action with a link or your phone number so visitors can easily contact you.

The following messages should include daily messages that add value that is related to your niche. You are going to want to add a call to action at the end of the emails. However, you don’t want to include pitches for your product every day. Take note that in many cases you will have to get people to be fans before they opt into your list. Once you get these fans you are going to have to engage these fans and lead them to your offer. To get more fans and likes you start by using the promote page function found on your business page. In this function you will be presented with a set amount to spend per day in exchange for a certain amount of likes per day. You can choose hundreds of likes per day. You should be able to start using this function for as little as $5 a day.