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This is not so on the mobile web. Mobile phones as on date cannot this complex technology. Moreover, you need to intend the media experience for someone who is in on the go, which is far dissimilar than sitting behind a desk and browsing your site. Mobile web visitors are not fond of pinching and zooming their way around your site, so your website needs to be mobile friendly. Mobile visitors to your desktop website has seen shocking growth even if you only compare January 2010 to today, you would be shocked. Just analyze the log files from your website or use a site analytic package like Google Analytics. There is lots of mobile traffic that is already trying to access your site. Your search will be a real eye opener into the shifting habits of your website visitors. And you care, because? If you don’t have a site particularly created for mobile, then your website visitors experience will not be as good as it could be.

Similarly, tracking whether the same message was passed to an extended audience base is also possible. Often, mobile marketers use coupons for tracking redemption. This enables the marketer to get a clear idea of what type of messages the audience is likely to open and which they will discard. This also leads to future improvement of the mobile marketing campaign. Total cost incurred in marketing is less The only costs incurred are at the initial stages of creating the content and imagery of the promotion campaign. For example, if the marketer is launching a texting campaign, it is the target customers who are charged for subsequent text charges and not the organization selling its products. Moreover, optimizing a website to a mobile site is also an easy and cost effective procedure. Several options are available Contrary to the popular belief that SMS campaign is the only successful way of mobile marketing, there are several other options available. Optimization of websites for mobile, becoming part of third party apps like Yelp, and creating another mobile application are some other ways of conducting mobile marketing. The benefits of mobile marketing are many and phenomenal. This marketing technique is one of the best ways to establish connections between an organization and its customers.

Many Australian customers and clients are already using their mobile phones to find services, to search for products, to make purchases, and as a way of staying informed about their favourite places and brands. The speed at which these changes have taken place, particularly the adoption of smart phones and mobile internet browsing in the last two years, has left many, many Australian businesses in its wake. Mobile Marketing: Where to start? The first thing to know about mobile marketing is to not think about it as marketing. A much better description is mobile engagement. This is not just semantics, it is important to think differently when considering how to incorporate the mobile phone into today’s communication strategy. The word ‘communication’ suggests having a direct conversation with your customer. Marketing has traditionally followed the broadcast model: tell your message to as many people as possible and hope that it will be relevant to a few.

There is absolute transparency in the way donations are acquired through mobile information that is permission-based. Advertising and promoting a non-profit is similar to promoting any business. It is possible to establish credibility and reliability if you go about the process in a professional manner keeping up with the current trends. The benefits of this medium of marketing cannot be under estimated. Almost everyone in the world have their mobile phones with them all the time and keep checking for messages as compared to emails which they tend to check occasionally. Marketing through this medium is therefore highly relevant for non-profits as it is for every other sector. The younger generation of today are drawn towards social causes and find satisfaction in the thought that they are able to contribute towards changing the world for the better. Targeting them, non-profits can benefit to a great extent in their fund raising efforts.