% of text are read and most of them within the first 15 minutes. Email is considered blase with a 20-25% open rate. Second, there are QR codes, or quick response codes. These started in Japan, very popular in Asia and Europe. These are great to get people from offline advertising to your online offers. QR codes store more data than regular bar codes, so you can load more info, contact info, coupons, discounts, pictures and videos. These can easily be used to get people onto your text message list. Who hasn’t heard the commercial, “We have an app for that.” The iPhone has over 350,000 apps or applications, on how to use your phone for everything from medicine to construction. The app software development business is a multi-billion dollar industry. As a business owner, you can develop your own app, so your customers can have your business on their mobile device. Your app can offer discounts, updates on events and VIP specials to those who upload it. The mobile ads industry is growing in leaps and bounds. You can place small ads about your business on mobile devices. Desktop websites do not translate well on small mobile devices. Every website, particularly a business website should have a mobile optimized website. It’s easier for your viewer and more likely that they will stay on your site. Google offers a site for business owners to place their business. There you have 6 must have mobile media marketing strategies for your business. As a mobile media consultant, I would urge you to at least get your business placement with Google and set up a text message service. These two things will reduce your marketing budget and increase your relationship with your clients.
The mobile infrastructure is now quite advanced and for local businesses the opportunity to reach their local clients is now staggeringly efficient. Consumers are demanding to be advertised to in a way that is almost tailor made to them otherwise they will disengage from it immediately. Local marketing has to hit the consumer with what they want to see and when they want to see it. For any local business there is a multitude of ways to get their products or services to the consumer. However, some are better than others and Mobile Marketing for local businesses is an exciting prospect. For a small business, the term “Local” is understood to be more precise than just the country you are in. On average, most local businesses get the majority of their customers from within just a 5 to 7 mile radius of where they are based. So any marketing or advertising has to cater for that local consumer. Mobile Marketing, is a perfect partner for driving ‘Local’ traffic to their web site or even direct to their store or place of business as it can pin-point target the exact demographic of the ideal customer.
It is perhaps one of the only ways in which you can directly interact with your customers. The process of Mobile marketing is using an application to set up campaigns based on demographics of customers. It is set to rapidly overhaul all other strategies for reaching out to laser-targeted demographics of your existing or potential customers with your advertising copy. This type of marketing is now regarded as the best way of reaching the buyers. Mobile marketing is still in the infant stages and the hottest new trend in marketing. It is projected to become huge this year. Since, it is still new and reasonably priced, making it the ideal type of marketing to try out. This mobile strategy is very easy to get into, but you should have an eye-catching and targeted angle for your offer. Mobile marketing has a major difference from the traditional means of marketing methods. It has the potential to increase a small businesses return on equity tremendously. It can be used in a variety of manners, in a variety of market segments, retail, education, retail, fitness, golf courses, religious & non-profit, florists, hair salons, restaurants & bars, night clubs & entertainment,, hotel & resorts, service & repair services, and even for rental properties.
In today’s e-age, smart phones, smart social apps, and mobile internet are the perfect platforms that can provide you a winning smile in a digital marketing effort among European audience. See the below important news that help you to understand the importance of taking services of a good mobile marketing agency. Note – Read a well descriptive article written by Mr. Michael Essany with the title “Smartphone is the Godzilla of Global Good” on Mobilemarketingwatch, which is exploring the whole summary of this trend. 3. The Rise of Social Media Website access on Mobiles – In Europe, 66% of people access social media websites on their smartphones. 4. The future scope of mobile popularity in Europe- In European countries, more people live a Smartphone based lifestyle. The mindset of people varies from individual to individual, but on average individuals in European countries use their Smartphones to perform different activities and enjoy different aspects of life. In a blog, Mr. Marcel Bullinga expressed strong views on growing popularity of mobile phone usage and technology. Here are some excerpts from his blog.
Everyone have their mobile phones these days. It just makes a lot of sense to incorporate mobile marketing into your plans. Technology is forever advancing. Savvy business owners need to keep up with the times, so they adapt their advertising methods to the times. With everyone having mobile phones nowadays, it makes a lot of sense to incorporate mobile marketing into your plans. Short Message Service (SMS) marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing being used today. All of your messages will likely be delivered and read by their intended recipient within 15 minutes of being sent, according to some studies. Businesses have long been using paper coupons. Although they are still frequently being used to this day, it is no longer necessary with mobile marketing. Help save the environment by sending customers mobile coupons using SMS marketing. They can simply present the message to your cashier to save money.