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Public speaking will allow you to attract more clients, generate unlimited leads, grow your business effortlessly, and change the world with your words. You have to be visible to sell, and the best way is to start speaking in public is by using the 5 Laws of Public Speaking or the acronym P-E-A-C-E. Public speaking will allow you to attract more clients, generate unlimited leads, grow your business effortlessly, and change the world with your words. You have to be visible to sell, and the best way is to start speaking in public is by using the 5 Laws of Public Speaking or the acronym P-E-A-C-E. P is for Prepare. Prepare before you speak! This one idea will set you above the rest. Most business presenters bore us all to tears and wonder why they dont get any business. Its because they didnt prepare enough! If you havent been speaking your signature talk a lot, then youll need to spend more time preparing in the beginning.

It’s important that you dress appropriately, but in such a way that makes you feel comfortable as well. When you get up to give your speech, always make sure that your eye contact is not on your cue cards so much, but rather your audience. This will establish a firm physical connection with them, making what you have to say much more effective in the end. It’s okay to refer to some notes every once in a while, but for the most part your focus should be on the people in front of you while you are speaking. Before you make your speech, you should do whatever you need to in order to relax. This will make you feel a lot more at easy, and therefore improve your overall performance on stage. Most people don’t put too much thought into their public speaking, but those people usually are not nearly as effective as those who do these things consistently.

There are different forms of public speaking, and you could indeed, be a chameleon, and wear different hats, but the best approach at first is to specialize in a particular area of public speaking. Butcher, Baker or Candlestick maker, you cant be all things to all people, so you must DECIDE AND SPECIALIZE. The first type of speech, were going to speak about, is the informative style, let’s use an example, prior to Dr. XYZ’s findings, it was scientifically believed by AMA, that babies could grow wings. Your stating facts, and in informational speaking, you are mostly delivering factual information, someone is in need of knowing how to weatherproof their home, and your Greg the builder and give speeches on how to weatherproof people’s homes, this is informational speaking. The next form of public speaking, we’re going to speak about is ceremony, like giving a toast at a wedding or a birthday, this is ceremonial.

Bobby is called on to make a toast, at his brother Johnny’s wedding, Bobby picks up a glass of champagne, takes his fork and tap, tap, tap’s, it on the glass to get everyone’s attention, and he says something like this, to my brother Johnny and his beautiful bride, may their relationship and love, last forever, and may the roof above us, never fall in, and may everyone here all of our friends, may we never fall out. That’s a ceremonial form of public speaking. Now were getting really hot, here comes the persuasive form of public speaking, most people, love the idea, of getting something for nothing, I am not here trying to get something for nothing, nothing from nothing leaves nothing, most of you who know me, and think your getting this lesson for nothing, know better. Because before you get out of here, your gonna pay me some money, those of you who don’t have a study guide, you need to buy, one-two. That’s an example of persuasive public speaking, with the purpose of selling something to someone. And lastly, there is the Extemporaneous, and that word is a mouthful, which means, impromptu, spur of the moment, James, on the reality show survivor digital, is about to get voted off at tonight’s tribal Council. He decides to give an extemporaneous, speech to possibly change the course of the vote. He stands up and says, if I offended any of you, I am sorry, but if you let me stay, I promise to work hard, to earn your trust. I know I didn’t get to know a lot of you, but if you keep me here, I look forward to hearing about you and your families, because of James’s, impromptu speech, he was not voted off, that night, also known as inspired speaking.

Without an electronic record, the questions stimulated by your presentation, and your answers, could be lost, thereby negating many of the benefits of the Murder Board. You have now completed your Murder Board, and, in the process, have used the valuable time of your colleagues. Now is the time to ask them for a robust critique of the substance of your presentation and your delivery style. Keep the video camera and tape recorder rolling. These colleagues may be more expert in certain aspects of your presentation than you are, and you certainly want to tap into this expertise. Additionally, they have just seen you presenting in a stressful environment – presenting before your colleagues may be more difficult than before potential customers – and their comments on how you looked, how you sounded, and your overall presence can be invaluable. Thank them for giving up their time, and remind them that you are ready to pay back when their time comes to make an important presentation.