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As penalty for this blunder, this particular speaker is not on the lineup of the next big Flash conference in the UK. Do not presume you know your audience. Make sure you find out as much as possible about your audience, their likes and dislikes, their beliefs and their cultural and ethnic backgrounds. It is well worth doing this kind of research. Once you have established the profile of your audience in your mind, you will find it easier to prepare your content to be appropriate to these listeners. It is up to you as speaker to ensure that you do not offend or alienate your audience. This does not mean that you should not challenge your audience to new thinking, if the situation requires it. What it does mean is that you present your material in a way that still makes people think without offending them. This is one of the public speaking tips that must be followed at all times.

In the case of very large groups, you at least want everyone in the audience to believe that throughout the presentation you were spending considerable time looking at just them. The problem is, although we were told what to do, we were never really told us how to do it. As result, whenever we see people speak for the first time in class, we observe the phenomenon that we call “Aerosol Eyes”. The speaker gets up in front of the room and immediately begins to spray the audience with his vision. Back and forth, back and forth, rarely holding eye-contact for more than a second at a time. And that is the average – one second. Often somewhere between a half a second and a second. You might have noticed in your experience that some people actually don’t hold eye-contact at all. When speaking to groups, some people tend to look down the whole time (hoping there are notes on the podium or the floor). Sometimes they look up to heavens (hoping they’ll find divine inspiration).

In this advance era, the tactics to know the pulse of people depends upon the skills to speak confidently in public. It is a focused effort by an individual to his audience in a structured and deliberate manner to inform or to influence them. There are few common things that most of the speakers have inculcated in them. If a person wants to master this art of public speaking, he has to adopt certain traits. In this advance era, the tactics to know the pulse of people depends upon the skills to speak confidently in public. It is a focused effort by an individual to his audience in a structured and deliberate manner to inform or to influence them. There are few common things that most of the speakers have inculcated in them. If a person wants to master this art of public speaking, he has to adopt certain traits.

You may be thinking that you simply do not have the tools and the know how to do these things on your own. Do not worry; there are many solutions for this situation. One is heading off to school. Many colleges and universities will offer public speaking courses that can be taken at various times of the day. These can provide you with several key benefits including the ability to practice your speaking in front of other, real people. The practice you get here can be used to help you to improve on weak points that you may not even know you have. Most community colleges even offer this type of course. Consider looking for them and enrolling to help improve your level of ability to speak. You may also want to look for and join organizations that surround themselves with public speaking abilities. For example, find out if there are any Toastmasters meetings in your area. This group is an internationally well known group that is also non profit. They help people to improve and develop speaking skills through weekly or monthly meetings. These are experts that you can work with that can help give you the experience you need.

Learning how to maintain your poise, coolness and judgment in times of stress are also some of the things you will learn from public speaking classes. You need to be good in these aspects because questions will usually be directed to you regarding your topics so you need to be armed, cool and have a clear mind all the time. Learning all these from the training in public speaking can help you succeed not only in your career but also gaining your self-confidence which can result in enhancing your personality, relationship with other people and building you a clearer perspective in life. Unfortunately not all people do have the luxury of time in attending public speaking classes or training especially the working people. Therefore, the best way to gain the knowledge in the art of public speaking is hiring a coach or a speech coach for personal speech training purposes.