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Body language is also one of the most essential elements in speech delivery. Effective use of body language makes the speech lively and active while ineffective use of body language could pose great threat or embarrassment to the audience members. For example, the use of middle finger in North America is offensive. The showing of folding fist could mean either anger or power. Body language is a bit complicated if one wants to be perfect in it. Yet, it’s worthwhile to learn to use it effectively or perfectly if possible because it’s generally believed that body language conveys much more message than words and tones in any communication scenario. For example, yawning means being sleepy or feeling bored even though the person who yawns tries to say that he is not sleepy or bored. The use of body language could include such as winking the eyes, using facial expressions, using of hands or legs, posing or standing, and etc. Basically, any movement of the body can be considered as body language. Strongly believe that use of body language in speech delivery is not crazy or silly. It’s what you are supposed to do and do well if possible.

Top 7 Steps to Better Public SpeakingWhether you want to be a part time, full time or BIG time speaker you must speak, speak, and speak. At first, deliver 25-30 minute free talks to service clubs and community organizations. Consider it to be your off-Broadway tryout. A great opportunity to fine-tune your programand maybe get some future paid business! 1. Your speech needs a beginning, middle, and end. You must grab your audiences attention in the first minuteso begin with a starting comment, question, story, or humor. End your speech on a strong note by asking a question, providing a quote, tell a story or leave them laughing. 2. Every 5-7 minutes, back up your facts with signature (about you or others) stories. Stories are out there everywhere. Find them in the stores, at restaurants, on the airplane, at home. People retain information better when hearing a story. 3. Practice your speech out load. Record it on to a tape recorder and/or video camera. Also do this when giving a program to a live audience. Do it every time! 4. Practice pausing before and after important points. Dont be afraid to leave open space. The use of silence is a key requirement to becoming an effective speaker. 5. Use direct eye contact. You can focus on one person when making a pointand everyone else in the audience will think you are speaking to them also. 6. Dont just stand behind the lectern: move around, gesture. 7. Smile a lot. Be enthusiastic about what you are saying. And have fun. New! Do you want to learn how to give a compelling speech? Would you like to know what sets leaders apart? Are you ready to prepare a speech that hits your audience’s hot buttons? Now you can. Buy the audio CD (available as an MP3 download).

Well told stores help the audience to relax and be more interested in your proposal. 4. Use Facts In An Interesting Way Facts add weight to your message. However, facts by themselves can be cold. Make the facts clear, concrete and interesting to help convince them, For example, if you are talking about the number of insects in the world, to say there is trillions is ok, but it is better to say that if all the insects were collected and stacked on one another they would make a heap 3 feet tall covering the entire earth. Questions get an audience to think. It engages and gets the audience’s attention. When you are asking questions you get them to wonder about the answer. Quotations that are from experts in their field will help to add more weight to your message. The quote should relevant and as brief as it can be. Don’t use quotations that have become over-used. In business or in a career, the ability to influence an audience is a key skill to master for success. Effective public speaking skill are in demand as ever. What can you do to improve your public speaking and presentation skills?

This will help you to build your confidence naturally. The reason why so many people are afraid of public speaking is because they are unable to overcome their nervousness. The cause of this feeling of anxiety can differ from each person, with most people being afraid of coming across as incompetent. No matter how much you have trained, or rationalized the reasons why you should not be nervous, it is normal to still feel this way. Try to take the focus away from your fear, as the more you dwell on it the worse it will seem and you will soon find yourself paralyzed by your fear. Look for something to distract you, or engage in relaxation techniques. This is a perfectly normal feeling to experience, and only someone who does not care about the presentation is able to feel a total lack of nervousness. The feeling of intense nervousness is especially strong right before you step up to speak, and you should take deep breathes to calm yourself down. Make eye contact with the audience and smile at them, especially if you know them personally.

You don’t want to appear to your audience like you just finished a marathon. 4. Avoid caffeine. Energy drinks, coffee and too much dark chocolate for some speakers will increase their anxiety. Nervous gestures, voice and problems with your outline can be the result of too much caffeine in you diet. 5. Take a few deep breaths. Taking deep breaths will lower your pulse rate. Taking a few deep breaks before presenting will help you to relax. 6. Keep breathing. Emergency specialist say that many victims of a trauma stop their regular breathing habits. They often instruct the victim to focus on their breathing and move back to a regular breathing pattern. If your speech is a traumatic experience for you, then its important to think about your breathing patterns. 7. Pause for a minute. Professional speakers use this technique. It’s okay to pause for a minute or two before beginning your speech. It’s a great way to get your mind focused on the speech outline and away from your anxious feelings. 8. Use positive affirmations. Our minds work like a stage. You can’t hold positive and negative thoughts on the stage of your mind at the same time.