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There are two pieces that need to work together in order for a completely Optimized website. The first is On Page SEO and the second is Off Page SEO. On Page SEO is composed of Keyword Research, Competitor Research, Meta Tag Creation which consists of your Title Page, Description and Keywords, Coding such as Google Analytics for tracking your hits to your website, Google Webmaster Tools, Yahoo Webmaster Tools, SEO Content Creation and Site Maps usually in XML or HTML format. Keyword Research is very important in your SEO campaign and it is critical to chose the correct keywords to get the Optimal amount of hits to your website. One good tool to use is Wordtracker. The other way to go is to look at your competitors and see what keywords they are using and match them. Meta Tags are also important but not as important as they used to be.

Especially if you are only 1 of few outbound links from that page. Lastly I will cover some other neat ideas to obtain inbound links. You can actually go to top social bookmarking sites and add your site as a bookmark. You can create videos and other media to post on the internet as well, and then find a way to get visitors to link to your site. Another neat idea is to give something valuable away to your website visitors and ask for a link to your site. This would mostly only work for websites that sell to other website owners. If you know a lot of people with web sites, ask them to exchange links – this helps. Remember whenever you obtain a link to your web site; make sure the anchor text pointing to your website includes your main key terms. This tells the search engines exactly what your website is about.

Those who are doing online searches for various information and products online would naturally go for the top names returned by the search engine because they think it’s the best. Despite being familiar with the whole mechanics, even the urbane still (wrongly) make such an assumption. It looks like something working in their subconscious. More investment means search engine optimization, which would then improve the company credibility greatly. That could even translate to heightened credibility of the company. If the company increases its investment on search engine optimization, the savings will actually be far greater. You should make your top management fully understand this in order to convince them. One way to do this would be to show them how, exactly, you will be able to lower your expenditures in the long run if, from the start, you’ve already had invested on search engine optimization. That would be when, on account of your company’s website being on top of organic search results (due to search engine optimization), you no longer need to spend cash on pay per click advertising. Of course, one sure way to convince your top management to invest more on SEO would be to demonstrate to them clearly how SEO would be able to increase your company’s sales and profit margin. It will actually be much easier to get them to sign on the dotted line and increase the company’s investment on SEO if they can see clearly how the operations of the company will be greatly improved by this.

Professional SEO writers create informative articles with both the reader and the website in mind. Effective SEO articles written by knowledgeable SEO writers can help improve your website ranking. With a high search engine ranking, you will receive more traffic to your website and this means more customers purchasing what you have to sell. SEO writing services can write blog posts, articles, newsletters, ad copy, and website content. SEO writers write quality content articles using keywords, but they also write blogs and newsletters about products or services. Blogs are like online diaries about a particular subject, which in this case would be your product or services. The blog would be written in a casual way about how much the product is liked, how easy it is to use, how helpful it is and so forth. Newsletters are more of an announcement of several different things like a new product announcement, a rebate or perhaps a live demonstration via webcast announcement would all fit in a newsletter.