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There are though, far too any people operating as coaches with only a Diploma or Certificate in NLP. NLP Practitioner This is a qualification which take between seven to sixteen days to achieve and is the minimum standard you should work with. They will have a good grounding in the techniques and approaches needed to coach you. They might also have additional coaching qualifications but these are generally focussed on goal setting and low level rational processes which are limited in effectiveness without the Practitioner Certification. You will see Coaches with NLP Coaching Certification as well -such coaches are well prepared to support you in your development. NLP Master Practitioner This is the ideal training needed to coach you. Master Practitioners are able to work with values, beliefs, behaviours, limiting beliefs, early patterning issues and even significant trauma. Ideally they will have additional certification in Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy thought this is a useful bonus and not essential. NLP Trainer Such coaches have generally the highest level of capability of skills available and can work fluidly and flexibly to coach you to the outcomes you are looking for.

As the purpose of personal development is to develop one’s focus – a fancy word for paying attention – then routine non-attention will defeat the whole purpose of your striving for a better life. And, so, I come across many people who have convinced themselves that they are developing the mindfulness – but who have ended up simply doing something else mindlessly! I’ve come across plenty of people who meditate regularly (and, consequently habitually and mindlessly), who tell me that they’ve never felt as calm and focused in their lives – but, if they were to stand back and take a look at the facts, they would find that their lives are crumbling around them: businesses being let drift on the basis that ‘everything is moving in the right direction’, relationships where familiarity is breeding daily contempt, people who are seriously unhealthy or overweight or both, people whose lives exhibit none of the concrete results that they should be getting from a proper approach to real personal development – one which is ongoing, evolving and enabling ever-developing personal growth.

People join life coaching programs to achieve one thing: a well balanced life. These people are looking to follow their dreams while spending quality time with their families and loved ones. What a personal development coach does is to first help clients to evaluate their current life status, and then help them set their goals, and finally to encourage them to take action towards the achievement of their goals. But how does a personal development coach do these things? Are they perfect enough to know how to make others’ lives better? Perhaps we should just say that a personal development coach is an effective leader. A personal development coach has the ability to choose what he/she wants to become, and figure out ways to be just that. So what traits characterizes a good leader or a personal development coach? An important thing for a coach to have is a philosophy or a vision.

Not a problem. But take that same horizontal distance jump and put it thirty floors up on the roof of a city and most people would not even to be able to contemplate the task. The level of fear would be so great they could barely bring themselves to even stand at the edge. Even though they know they are perfectly able to stand upright. It’s an irrational fear that paralyzes us. And this same fear can stop us from achieving in all sorts of areas in life. Any sort of goal can seem unattainable when we allow ourselves to think about the how far we might fall if we dare to try. But overcoming this fear is really quite simple. Practice at ground level first. Do those things which you need to consistently do in order to feel confident you can make the leap. Prepare by measuring out the goal, and then break it down into progressively greater and greater practice jumps until you know you can make the distance. Whatever the goal, the same principle applies.

What this means is that they consider all the consequences of any course of action for a client. The coaching process is focussed on you. It begins with a detailed personal history which is much more than it sounds. It’s not just a detailed personal history in terms of your upbringing relationships, career etc. It will start your internal unconscious processes working to re-evaluate your values and aspirations before any formal work begins. You may complete an audit and review of your current context and then choose an area to work on. The coach then begins an intensive programme called a breakthrough process which elicits and ranks your core values in a chosen area of your life – typically these are broad contexts such as Relationships, Career, Wealth, Health, and can also focus on personal contexts such as creativity, spirituality, and sporting interests. In order to be able to move forward in your life the coach works with you to identify the limits which your pervious learning, experience and upbringing may be placing on you.