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Your customers appear randomly, so there’s no reason for them to follow all your daily posts. Facebook didn’t start out as a business to business marketing platform and they have been playing a little bit of catch up to keep up to date with the way users want to utilise the facility. With Facebook boasting 350 Million active users, it is the best platform to get your message out to as many potential clients as you can in the quickest way possible and for the least amount of money. One of the most intriguing statistics is that on an average, users spend around 700 billion minutes on Facebook every month! The popularity of Facebook has made it the most prominent social networking site in the world

Use the Facebook search bar to find groups of people in your niche and add them as friends. Adding friends is easy to do but so many people get this wrong. You can see how simple but effective that would is, just write it in a word document and save it

Which means your advertising outside of Facebook has to do a lot of work before people come to you. You can create pages for “Business”, “Brand, Product or Organization”, or any “Celebrity/Public Figure”. Here you need to know one thing that, while creating a profile for your business use “Create New Facebook Page” feature. Add church events to your profiles, Events application. If your using your Facebook profile to sell someone you are probably already in trouble

But Why is Video Marketing so damn important? Why is it so Crucial that you do it? Yes, that’s right! Relationship Building. Even putting social plugins to work from your website you likely saw an increase in traffic and conversions. billion, and is now operated as a subsidiary of Google. Use your time to increase the holiday spirit among your followers. If there is one internet marketing fad that will be hot this year, then it will be the use of Facebook as a marketing tool

Never post negative comments on others wall if they are promoting their company. You can either choose a pay-per-click or pay-for-views model. Because of the growing number of blogs, videos, podcast and other social media platforms such as Facebook banners and other ways to promote your business online, the professionals who figure all of this out will dominate the industry and have social media leverage for years to some. There are of course plenty of social networking sites and other methods of Internet marketing, but using Facebook for marketing can sure give your online business a boost. Do you have an online business and want to market it well to increase your visibility, if the answer is yes you should be seriously considering Facebook marketing

It is certainly one of the most invaluable platforms for marketing a business or a product. All you have to do is sign up and create an attractive profile. Join various groups on Facebook – there are hundreds and hundreds, and some more than likely, will cater to your business or product. A few years back, the internet revolution gave a completely new meaning to the concept of marketing