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This analogy can be likened to that of a person embarking on personal development. The person may seem fine on the outside but if the person is filled with so much negative or destructive beliefs or thoughts such as “I cannot do this” or “I’m not worthy of success” and so forth, simply teaching her the positive aspects of personal development will not make her any better until she first clears the blocks, limits or negativity inside. And this where the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) comes in – to first clear the negative aspect of yourself before you work on the positive aspects. EFT is a method of dealing and treating mental distress by tapping on the energy meridians of the body. It is a very simple process which can be carried out in as little as 30-60 seconds a day (or whenever you face a block) and most importantly, it’s free, safe & very beneficial. Some of its benefits include providing rapid relief from physical or emotional issues such as trauma, phobias, grief, anger, guilt, addictions, fears and much more. If you are very interested in using EFT to clear your limiting and destructive blocks or limits, do take a few minutes of your time to check out my resource box below. So the next time you are thinking of embarking on a new personal development program, tell yourself this, “I will clear my blocks and limits first before embarking on this program” while performing EFT. There will be no doubt that you will achieve greater degrees of success.

It also covers time and life management, something particularly useful when it comes to taking the plan into action. Probably the best point is its task prioritizing aspect, which leads to better, more flexible plans that withstand the never ending demands of life. Besides personal development plans, GTD also helps you build the skills necessary for better managing work projects, better goal setting and better people management. You will find these skills very important, whatever your situation is. The points I want to share with you today are simple yet very effective when it comes to proper planning. These are two questions that you should ask yourself, and answer every time you are about to plan or do something. First, what is the outcome? Second, what is the next action required? It is a question common in all the teachings of the major gurus from Napoleon Hill and Earl Nightingale, to David Allen, Brian Tracy, Dan Kennedy and Tony Robbins. It is just that important. If you do not know the outcome for your actions, you have lost from the start, period. Getting clear on your outcome will be one of the best things you can do at any given moment. Many times I have seen people who have found their clear outcome, yet are completely lost on where to start taking action about it. Knowing what to do next in order to move the plan forward is absolutely necessary. The most important factor to consider here is that the next action has to be completely thought through. This is, it shall not require further consideration upon execution. When the rubber meets the road, if you need to stop and think, you will be run over. You need to have thought before.

As a trainer, it’s very important that you have great communication and teaching skills so you can easily transfer your knowledge to your trainees. In addition, you must have excellent problem-solving, analytical, and people skills. You must also have a truck load of patience and you must enjoy meeting new people on a regular basis otherwise, you will not have a great time doing your job. 3. Take advantage of relevant trainings and seminars. Today, there are so many trainings and seminars designed to help aspiring trainers like you. Make time to attend as many of these trainings as possible to get more information and to learn certain processes and techniques that you can possibly use on your training programs. 4. Simulation. Before you consider offering your training programs to actual clients, I recommend that you do some simulation first. How does this work? Get your friends or family members to act as your clients. Offer them with information and assistance that you would offer to your clients. Then, solicit feedback. Through this, you’ll know if you are ready to take in clients or if you need some improvements. 5. Strive to impress your clients. Keep in mind that your main goal in conducting these trainings is to help your clients. Make sure that you give them every single thing they need for their personal development. If needed, go out of your way just to make sure that you’ll be able to offer them with 100% satisfaction.

Houston, Texas, famous for manufacturing oilfield equipment, is a world class Gamma city. Energy, the aeronautics industry, and its famous shipping channel are major contributors to its city’s economy. Starting a personal development coaching business in Houston can be a good idea, as you will be helping so many people find themselves and put them on the right track towards achievement and success. It is necessary to determine if you will be operating on your own or if you will be hiring the services of other certified and experienced coaches. It is always recommended to form a legal entity because it offers limited liability protection, so hire a lawyer and decide on an appropriate name, too. Make sure you get required licenses and permits as well as insurance coverage. Estimate start-up costs, arrange for the finances and draft a business plan with clearly defined goals. A good plan will also act as a performance assessment tool and a blueprint of all your day-to-day operations.