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The majority of people when asked to choose between going to the dentist or speaking in public invariably choose going to the dentist. All it takes is the appropriate training, mentally and physically. Here’s how you may be feeling. The Question: Can you please help me? I can’t talk in front of my class! I get SO nervous, my face turns red and I get hives all over. If I just stand beside my desk, I’m OK and I can do Power Point Presentations as long as the lights are off and I stand with my back to the class. Being shy is a very interesting way to be. When I was in grade school I also had the same problem. I’d freeze up if the teacher asked me a question. The problem is that you are too aware of how you are feeling. You are focusing your thoughts on how you feel.

A speaker’s ability to properly project their voice well is crucially important in speech delivery. Great public speakers, in my experience, are people who speak loudly and clearly enough that can be distinctly heard by people listening to them. The voice should not be too loud as it annoys the audience and too low as it makes the audience sleep. When it comes to voice projection, there are many things to consider such as the using of tone and etc. Usually, a speaker is recommended not to use one tone for the whole speech because it simply makes the speech boring and less emotional. If possible, the speaker should use different tones for different plots. If the plot is about something sad, the tone must be in accordance to the story; it’d better be soft and slow. Practice talking to people standing or sitting 2-5 meters away from you. Try to get them understand everything you say.

Also, most people respond better to a spontaneous, conversational style of delivery, rather than something that sounds premeditated and repeated parrot-style. Get your bullet points ready, and then go about communicating those points however you like. You will become more absorbed in what you are saying, and less so in how nervous you feel. Often, speaking anxiety is connected to events from childhood. Embarrassing experiences involving having to perform in front of our family or our class while in school, for example, can cause discomfort around public speaking for decades. When we are children and adolescents we want nothing more than to be accepted and to fit in. Standing alone in front of a crowd of peers and feeling judged can be an awful experience. If it doesn’t go well, the memory of that negative event may be triggered later, on a subconscious level, bringing with it those same difficult feelings.

They think, At least I dont do as many dumb things as this guy. That makes me more likeable, and knowing this helps me relax. For example, late one night, while in the middle of an ice storm, my electricity went out. So I got in my car, drove on the ice-covered roads to Wal-Mart, and bought an electric heater so I could stay warm while the power was out. It wasnt until on the way home that it hit me: I just bought an electric heater to keep me warm while my electricity is out! Im the stupidest person on earth. When I tell that story, my audience has a great time with it, because they can relate. We all do dumb things! Im willing to use those experiences to help me onstage. One quick tip: If you are going to use humor, go all the way with it. Dont try to do it half-heartedly; you will fail.